Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the most popular politician on Twitter after US President Barack Obama, has successfully used social media to shape his public image as a tech savvy leader, according to new study.

Modi uses social media as a personal signal than for issues per se, US-based scholar Joyojeet Pal has said after doing an extensive research of the PM’s postings on social media websites.

“Modi has used social media successfully to shape his public image as a tech savvy leader, aligning himself with the aspirations of a younger generation in India,” said Pal, assistant professor at University of Michigan’s School of Information.

Pal said during his campaign, Modi’s account was more about his political vision. According to Pal, Modi has also been quick to adopt the latest tech updates.

“For instance, he took advantage of the video feature on Twitter almost as soon as it was available. During his tenure as PM, Modi’s tweets have changed. He posts fewer political statements and more casual messages, such as greetings and updates of his addresses,” he added.

“Modi uses Twitter as a personal signal than for issues, per se. This is different from say Obama who has kept up with agenda-based tweeting,” he said.