Acknowledging the role of previous governments, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today sought to share credit with them for the “successful talks” with NSCN (I-M) and hoped it will lead to development of not only Nagaland but the entire northeast region.

“Every government has made some effort. At times, there have been improvements, at times obstacles. This cycle continued. Everybody has contributed to this process. The credit does not go to any particular government, nor should it be taken. It is the result (of these efforts) that today in Nagaland there has been a successful dialogue with those people (NSCN(I-M) leaders),” he said. The Prime Minister was apparently referring to the recent framework agreement reached between the Centre and the NSCN (Isak-Muivah) in Delhi when he was addressing birth centenary celebrations of Naga spiritual leader and freedom fighter Rani Gaidinliu, popularly known as “Rani maa.”

Modi said the push of his government has been on developing infrastructure in the northeast. Efforts were on to provide rail connectivity to capitals in the region. Referring to pineapples grown in the region and chillies in Nagaland, he said the northeast can become the “organic capital” of the country.