Attacking Narendra Modi, projected by a section of BJP as a possible Prime Ministerial candidate, CPI-M leader Prakash Karat today said Modi’s Gujarat model of development cannot be replicated at the national level.

“Modi’s Gujarat model can never become a national model for development,” he said, while addressing a CPI-M ‘Aam Sabha’ here.

Everybody knows the truth about Modi’s Gujarat model of development, which has given priority to big industrial houses at the cost of common man, dalits and tribals, Karat said, adding, the CPI-M was not interested about mere electoral tie-ups, “but will align with parties who support our alternative growth plans.”

Referring to the Food Security Bill, he alleged that the Congress-led UPA was ‘hurrying’ with it, to take benefit during the 2014 general elections and that the Left parties have raised concerns about it.

“The CPI-M will continue to fight for universal food security and the March 19 rally in New Delhi is aimed at this,” Karat said.

Picking holes in the National Food Security Bill, he said the draft Bill prepared by the Congress cannot guarantee food security.

Karat stressed that at least 90 per cent of the country’s population should be brought under the Food Security net against the currently estimated, 67 per cent.

Claiming that unity among the Left parties was intact, he added that the March 19 rally will have representation from all Left Front parties.