Even as the polling to the sixteenth Lok Sabha enters in the final laps, there isn’t any sign of cooling-off of the Modi-wave. A group of professionals under the name of Citizens for Accountably Governance (CAG) have come up with online and mobile auction of a book on BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi’s governance model.

The CAG has organised series of auctions of Moditva – a collection of 14 essays based on Narendra Modi’s model of governance to raise funds for ‘Modi for PM’ cause.

The book scripts the quotes by the Gujarat chief minister, before he was declared the BJP’s prime ministerial nominee. These quotes are explained in detail by citing his governance record in Gujarat.

The auction would be conducted online on www.indiancag.org/moditva in 3 phases beginning from May 6 and continue through May 15. One auction would be on mobile where bidders can SMS MBID <space> BID AMOUNT to 53030, a CAG statement said.

In the auctions, CAG would invite bids for copies of Moditva, which will be signed by Kiran Bedi, India’s first lady police officer; M J Akbar, one of India’s most prolific writers and editor and Subramanian Swamy, former cabinet minister, economist and academician, a statement by CAG said.

Commenting on the same, Bedi said, “The elections are the biggest celebration of democracy and it is about time that people learnt about what the strongest contender brings to the table.”

The bidders who would bid the maximum amount by the end of the respective phases would receive a copy signed by the celebrity of their choice. Further, one of the lucky bidders in every phase would also get a chance to meet the celebrity.

The book, Moditva has been written, edited and compiled by Citizens for Accountable Governance, an NGO which aims to strengthen governance in the country. Initiated by a group of professionals, CAG has members from diverse educational and professional profiles.