An low-pressure area lying over land in an intensified form is showing what it can do to prevailing monsoon conditions over most parts of the country during the first day or two. This is only an indicator to the things to come when a successor expectedly pops up over the same area of the Bay of Bengal in the next three to four days.

Kerala pounded

Rains pounded in Kerala for the past 24 hours with authorities ordering schools and colleges in eight out of 14 districts closed for today. The situation is not entirely different over the rest of the West Coast which is facing the fury of the monsoon during what is normally the rainiest month of the four monsoon months.

Despite the rain fury, there are rain-deficient areas in the West (Gujarat, Saurashtra & Kutch) and East India, though the situation is expected to improve as the low march in one after the other. The well-marked 'low' lies this morning over Coastal Odisha, having crossed in over from adjoining North-West Bay yesterday.

This is exactly where a successor is expected to form, but which could turn out to be much more in terms of strength and intensity as it churns further into a depression or deep depression. In anticipation, the current well-marked 'low' move West to Central India and adjoining North-West India and relent in phases, before leaving space to the well-endowed successor.

Extreme heavy rain

The India Met Department (IMD) predicts that the current system would move across Central India, enhancing rains over Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra. As for today, it has forecast heavy to very heavy rain with extremely heavy falls over East Gujarat, Vidharbha, Chhattisgarh, Konkan and Goa.

Heavy rain is expected at few places with isolated very heavy rain over Telangana; heavy to very heavy over South and Coastal Karnataka, Kerala, Saurashtra, Madhya Maharashtra, East Madhya Pradesh and Odisha. It will be heavy over Coastal Andhra Pradesh, Jammu Division of Jammu & Kashmir, North Interior Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Chandigarh, Marathwada and West Madhya Pradesh.

While this would be the likely trend for the next four to five days, the IMD has forecast widespread rainfall along west coast and East and adjoining Central India from July 21 to 23. Scattered to fairly widespread rainfall has been forecast over North-West India expect West Rajasthan and the North-Eastern States during this period.