The principle that political acceptance is directly proportional to electoral strength will be tested out in the case of Narendra Modi’s close confidant Amit Shah on the national scene. The architect of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s campaign in the battleground state of Uttar Pradesh is indifferent to suspicions about his political life.

In an interview to Business Line , Amit Shah said the accusations against him are the creation of a hostile media. He asserted that his focus is not to allay the fears of liberal intelligentsia but create conditions for the National Democratic Alliance to win a majority in the ongoing elections.

“I have never done anything in my life to win over anyone. I do my job with the honesty and integrity that I have and leave the judgment to others. I think this impression that you talk about, it has been created without knowing me. I believe once people get to know me, my work, they will begin to see things in a different light,” he said, to a question whether it is necessary for him to win over the opinion-makers in Delhi.

According to Shah, the BJP’s campaign has picked up a fresh momentum in the eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh where the party had failed to win seats in the last general elections. “Our campaign has gained momentum in the Poorvanchal region. This is a significant development,” he said.

Shah dismissed suggestions about differences and factionalism in the BJP — reflected especially in Sushma Swaraj not campaigning and the delay in the release of the party’s manifesto — and asserted that the party has closed ranks to secure maximum seats.

While he conceded that the BJP’s organisation is weak in the eastern and southern States, Shah claimed that in States like Tamil Nadu and West Bengal, the party’s vote share is likely to increase exponentially this time.

Also read: > ‘My image has been created without even knowing me’