The process of the safe shutdown of the Nagarjuna Agrichem pesticide unit near here in Srikakulam district was completed on Monday in accordance with the directives of the Government.

However, the staff of the unit submitted a memorandum to the district administration and the State Government to take a considered decision on the demand voiced by the people of surrounding villages for closing down the plant on a permanent basis, as their livelihood was involved.

It may be noted that a fire broke out in one of the reactors of the unit on June 30 and several employees were injured. All of them have recovered but there was widespread panic in the neighbourhood and people of the surrounding villages have been demanding permanent closure of the unit.

The staff said in the petition that the plant had been in operation for the past 18 years and there had been no problem. It had provided jobs to hundreds in the district and the accident should be seen in perspective. All additional safety measures and pollution control measures should be taken, but the plant should not be closed down, as they would be rendered jobless, they pleaded. The factory employs 900 persons, mostly from villages in the district.

Mr S.V.S Rama Raju, President (Operations), said the process of the safe shutdown had been completed on Monday, and the management was addressing various issues relating to pollution and safety raised by the different Government departments in different notices.

He said certain issues relating to pollution was raised in the notice served by the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board. “We are addressing those issues and sending clarifications to the Board and other authorities.

In fact, our plant is one of the few pesticide units in the country which has zero liquid discharge system on which we have spent Rs 35 crore during the past two years including the effluent treatment plant. Except certain organic salts, we are not discharging any effluent. Those organic salts are deposited in places designated by the authorities.

There is constant ambient air monitoring and there is no air pollution. The Board has suggested installation of online monitoring system, and we are taking steps to put it in place,” he said.

On the issue of safety, he said the management was willing to take any additional safety measures suggested by the Government and “in fact there was no safety lapse even on the day when the unfortunate accident occurred.