The All India Lokadhikar Sangathan has written to the Delhi Pollution Control Committee urging immediate execution of the National Green Tribunal’s order to shut down stainless steel pickling units in Wazirpur, New Delhi. “We are in the process of moving an application before the Tribunal soon for the execution of the directions due to the continuous pollution of river Yamuna because of negligence by the DPCC in not taking action against illegal functioning of industries,” said Girish Kumar Pandey, President of the All India Lokadhikar Sangathan.

In its order of January 22, the NGT had asked DPCC to shut down 17 pickling units. The NGT had also directed the DPCC to ensure that no unit should operate without the consent of the Pollution Control Board in the region. The tribunal had issued notices to several industrial units in October 2014 for discharging harmful effluents into drains that empty into river Yamuna.