Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has said that he is not averse to the idea of the Prime Minister’s Office seeking to set up representative offices in State Capitals.

Obviously this is the idea of Prime Minister Narendra Modi but it would be unfair to reject it on that ground alone, Chandy, who leads a Congress-led coalition government, told newspersons here.

“I’m open to all new ideas and experiments and do not condemn them without assessing their worth and applicability,” he said.

Chandy said that he had come to know from newspaper reports about the idea of PMO desirous of setting up extensions in States.

He was not one who would blindly oppose the idea without assessing the possibilities of how the State would stand to benefit from it.

Having said that, one should add a caveat that mere opening of an office just for the sake of it might not help.

It would be a different matter altogether if the State PMO office can handle issues expeditiously and favour the State with speedy decisions, Chandy said.

He would prefer to wait and watch. The Chief Minister said he would seek an appointment with the Prime Minister when he travels to New Delhi next week.