Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has said he did not wish to cling on to power in any manner possible.

“But running away from responsibilities now would not do justice to the pursuit of truth,” he told newspersons after a meeting of the State Cabinet a little while go.


He was responding to the Opposition demand to stand down and face a judicial probe for his alleged role in the solar scam.

He also made it clear that the State Cabinet and the ruling Congress-led United Democratic Front were standing by him.

He firmly ruled out resignation, and advised the Opposition to reflect if violent protests being let loose across the State at its instance would do it any good.

Blackmailing and the propaganda of falsehood have been its stock trade through the last 10 days when it did not allow the State Assembly to function on a single day.


“Even my son was dragged in by implying that he had acquired shares of a US-based firm and was given a top position on the board,” Chandy said.

He also firmly denied that he had shifted position on the issue of his meetings with a solar entrepreneur, whose explosive revelations on Monday had triggered a political storm followed by violence.

“I’ve been saying the same thing over and over again right through these days,” Chandy said responding to Opposition allegations on this count.

But he said he stood by every word spoken in the Assembly and outside of it with regard to attempts to link him with the scam accused.


“Let investigations get completed and then we would hear out the Opposition on what their demands are and proceed to act thereon.”

The Chief Minister said activities in his office were Webcast live. But the visuals get automatically deleted after a week.

“Anybody from outside is free to record it,” he said in response to the Opposition which had dared him to make public recordings with respect to meetings with the solar entrepreneur.

The latter had reportedly confided to a court that he was accompanied by a scamster who had claimed close rapport with office of the Chief Minister.