In an offbeat way to highlight the condition of roads in the city, the AAP on Thursday planted saplings in potholes and named those after politicians in the Madhya Pradesh.

Led by Madhya Pradesh coordinator of AAP Alok Agrawal, the party workers planted saplings in the potholes on the roads in Jinsi area of the city.

They named those potholes after politicians, including State PWD Minister Rampal Singh and Cooperatives Minister Vishwas Sarang.

“Before the local body elections in Bhopal (held last year), nearly 800-km long roads were reconstructed, but the majority of those now are got badly damaged,” Agrawal said.

Little action

“These roads are under a performance guarantee scheme, but the State government is not taking any action against the contractors. Though the government blames excess rains for the present situation, the fact is that corruption is more responsible for that,” he added.

Listing the party’s demands, he said these roads should be repaired in 15 days, stern action should be taken against contractors responsible for the plight of roads and a high-level committee should be formed to probe the matter for taking action against concerned officials. The party also warned of launching a agitation on the issue if the demands are not met.

“If AAP’s demands are not fulfilled, the party will stage a major protest against the State government,” Agrawal said.