With a call to delink sports from politics, Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Monday said he had “full faith” that security arrangements would be in place during the upcoming India-Pakistan cricket matches.

“I hope and have full faith, wherever these (Indo-Pak matches) are played, all security arrangements would be made,” Abdullah told reporters here after reopening of the bi-annual darbar offices at Civil Secretariat in the winter capital.

He was replying to questions about reported threat by Shiv Sena Chief Bal Thakray that Indo-Pak matches would be stalled by his party wherever they are held, in protests against 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

“It will not have any impact on the state as there are no matches being played in Jammu and Kashmir,” he said.

“As far as effects on Indo-Pak relations are concerned, we will never desire that sports should be linked to politics,” the chief minister said.

“We will desire that they (Pakistan) should come here and play matches in good and cordial environment irrespective who loses and wins,” he said.

“Bal Thackeray and his party leadership has political compulsion that he keeps on raising such issues... But this is not for the first time that India and Pakistan are playing matches after 26/11,” Abdullah said.

“They might have played matches at any other place... but they have played. If they had reservation to these matches between India and Pakistan, they should have also opposed them in past and that time,” he said.