Chief Minister Omar Abdullah today said Kashmir issue is a political problem that should be resolved politically and his party would not rest till a solution is reached.

“The issue of J&K is political. It is important to address it politically. We will stand firm on our endeavour to resolve the issue and National Conference will not rest until then,” Omar said while addressing a public meeting at Alusa village in north Kashmir’s Bandipora Assembly constituency.

Bandipora assembly seat goes to polls in the first phase of state elections on November 25.

Calling on the people to give a decisive mandate to his party, Omar said the electorate of Jammu and Kashmir need to “get rid of the coalitions by voting a single party to power for the prosperity of the state“.

“We have seen coalition governments for the last 12 years and how it is against the interests of the state. Give mandate to a single party like the old times. If that party then does not fulfil its responsibility, throw it away in the next elections but end this coalition era,” Omar said.