President Pranab Mukherjee today asked the ruling and Opposition parties to put their heads together and arrive at a workable solution, apparently to avoid frequent issuing of Ordinances.

In comments that have come against the backdrop of a raging debate on a spate of Ordinances promulgated by the NDA Government, he acknowledged that the Constitution provided for promulgation of an Ordinance in extraordinary situations but this route cannot and should not be taken for normal legislation.

Addressing faculty and students of central universities and research institutions through video-conferencing, he referred to situations when the ruling party may not have a majority in the Rajya Sabha, but felt a joint session of Parliament to make up for numbers to enact laws “is not practical.”

“It is the responsibility of the entire political establishment to put their heads together and work out a workable solution.

“The Opposition can oppose, expose and possibly depose, if they have the numbers. But always keep in mind, it is the collective responsibility of the elected members of the House, whether directly elected to the Lok Sabha or through States in the Rajya Sabha ...

“I ask the political establishment to engage in a dialogue and resolve their differences,” he said in reply to questions on his views on frequent resort to ordinance route by the Executive.

The President’s views assume significance in the context of the Modi Government promulgating nine Ordinances, including on opening the insurance sector to higher foreign investment, after Parliament was paralysed in the winter session.