The BJP showcased the “civilisational” diplomacy of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his successes in the foreign policy arena in a resolution passed by the party’s national executive here on Friday.

The resolution was introduced by Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu. Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj made a few remarks in the deliberations that followed on the resolution.

The national executive was said to have been “deeply appreciative” of the Foreign Minister’s efforts in the evacuation and safe return of Indians caught in various conflict zones, especially in the troubled West Asian region.

About Pakistan, the resolution more or less echoed the Vajpayee-Musharraf accord in 2004, which promised friendlier relations provided Pakistan does not allow its territory to be used for terrorism.

“We have laid out a clear policy for building peaceful and friendly relations with Pakistan, predicated on an end to terrorism. There can be no compromise with terrorism. There can’t be any duplicity towards a problem that has become a regional crisis and is fast becoming an international nightmare.

“We have responded firmly and appropriately to provocations on the border/Line of Control and threats of infiltration and terrorism.

“Our Prime Minister’s message to his counterpart on the occasion of the Pakistan Day this year was unambiguous — all outstanding issues with Pakistan can be resolved through bilateral dialogue in an atmosphere free from terror and violence.

“The visit of our Foreign Secretary to Pakistan as part of the SAARC Yatra is a clear message to our neighbour that Bharat will engage with it only on such terms that reflect its national security and strategic interests,” said the resolution.

Outlining what was referred to as the Panchamrit , the resolution listed Samman (dignity and honour); Samvad (greater engagement and dialogue); Samriddhi (shared prosperity); Suraksha (regional and global security); and SanskritievamSabhyata (cultural and civilisational linkages) as five new themes that will dictate the PM’s foreign policy.

Significantly, the resolution uses the term “Bharat” for India throughout the document.

The resolution highlighted “cultural and civilisational diplomacy” which has been the distinguishing core of the PM’s international engagements, be it his visit to the Buddhist temples in Sri Lanka or to religio-cultural sites in Japan.

Cultural values

“Our foreign policy today reflects Bharat’s age-old cherished cultural and civilisational values in a more significant and profound manner than ever before.

“While our approach is determined by the imperatives of the globalised world, it is also rooted in our inheritance of a timeless tradition of intellectual and economic engagement through peaceful co-existence.

“The Prime Minister has restored pride in Bharat’s civilisational identity and cultural traditions and drawn global attention to it in a manner that befits this oldest civilisation of the world,” said the resolution.