The Andhra Pradesh Government has asked five pharma companies to close down their manufacturing units at Jawaharlal Nehru Pharma City, Visakhapatnam in line with pollution control norms.

The notices were served by the district administration to Mylan Laboratories, Vegesna Labs, Auctus Pharma, Vijaya Organics and Acacia Lifesciences.

Meanwhile, the Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board had also ordered the closure of units at Medak and Rana Reddy districts for violating norms.

“These industries are also directed to stop all industrial activities with effect from July 23, 2012 to facilitate the completion of all on-going batches,’’ the board said in a release.

The list of companies which were issued closure orders of some of their units include Aurobindo Pharma Ltd, Hetero Labs Ltd, Cirex Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Covalent Laboratories Pvt Ltd, Divis Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Sri Krishna Pharmaceuticals Ltd, and Innogent Laboratories Pvt Ltd, the release said.

Divis Laboratories Ltd today informed the Bombay Stock Exchange that the closure notices were issued to Divi’s Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd.

“Divi’s Laboratories Ltd do not have any business dealings or transactions with Divis Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd and the business is normal as usual at Divi’s Laboratories Ltd,’’ it said.