The new government that takes over in Kerala tomorrow will be a people's endeavour at large, according to the Chief Minister-designate Pinarayi Vijayan.

The government would act as a safe haven for all, he told newspersons while explaining to them the conduct of the swearing-in function.

Welfare of all

The new government will work to ensure the welfare of all. Every person would be treated equal cutting across the political, caste and ideological divide.

Now is the time for all to unite for the development of the state. Mutual spite, bitterness and malice among political parties should end with the elections.

“If democracy is to thrive, we must ensure the wholehearted involvement in and cooperation of the people. The society at large must be able to appreciate this and encourage individuals to act accordingly,” Vijayan said.

His government will work for justice, harmony, progress and development. Vijayan also distributed sweets to newspersons on the occasion of his birthday today.

Limited seats

Vijayan said he said he would welcome each and everyone to the swearing-in ceremony - not just those who voted for the Left Democratic Front but all who exercised their franchise in this election.

The ceremony will take place at the Central Stadium tomorrow evening. Vijayan requested cooperation of all since only limited seating facilities are available.

Those who are not able to enter the stadium may watch the proceedings live on video walls erected at major junctions within the city.

CPI(M) general secretary Sitharam Yechury and politburo member Prakash Karat are expected to participate.

The Chief Minister-designate also warned people not to fall for the guile of impersonators claiming ‘proximity to Pinarayi Vijayan’ and offering to ‘fix things.’ “These people do not seem to know me and my ways,” he said.