Prime Minister Narendra Modi was today warmly greeted by a group of people from the Indian community who were waiting for him outside a high-security hotel here where he is staying.

Modi, who arrived in the US capital today, was welcomed with loud cheers and applause by the Indian community members who were waiting outside the Willard InterContinental Hotel to catch a glimpse of the Indian leader.

As Modi’s motorcade pulled up in front of the hotel where the Prime Minister will be staying during his three—day visit, the crowd of Indians gathered outside and standing behind a barricade burst into a huge applause and started chanting ’Modi, Modi’

Before entering the hotel, the Indian leader got out of his vehicle and walked across the road to the cheering crowd, smiling and waving at it.

The crowd’s excitement knew no bounds when it saw the Indian leader walking towards it. The people cheered loudly, clapping and whistling and instantly took out their phones to click Modi’s pictures.

After stopping briefly in front of the crowd, Modi, surrounded by Indian and American security officials, walked back towards his motorcade.

Members of the community expressed hope that Modi raises with Trump pressing issues related to the H1B work visa, terrorism and defence cooperation.

Trump will host Modi at the White House tomorrow and the two leaders would spend about five hours together in various settings beginning with their bilateral discussion, delegation level talks, a reception and a working dinner, the first of its kind hosted by this administration.

During his three-day visit, Modi will also interact with about 20 leading American CEOs followed by an Indian-American community event in Washington DC suburb of Virginia.

The programme is likely to be attended by about 600 members of the community