Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Monday that the time has arrived for India to make exponential strides in its development journey. To drive his point during the launch of ‘ Vikshit Bharat @2047 : Voice of Youth’, Modi cited examples of many other countries which, he stated, had seized the opportunity in their lives to take quantum jumps in a defined timeframe and turned into developed nations.

“This Amrit Kaal is ongoing” and “this is the period in the history of India when the country is going to take a quantum leap,” he said in his virtual reachout to the youth for suggestions on how to make India developed by 2047 when the country will turn 100. “ For India, this is the time, right time (Yahi Samay hai, Sahi Samay hai)”, he said, adding that each and every moment of this Amrit Kaal should be utilized.

Through video conferencing, the PM addressed the Vice Chancellors of Universities, Heads of Institutes and faculty members in workshops organized at Raj Bhawans across the country to mark the beginning of this initiative. He also thanked the Governors for organizing the workshop for the development of Viksit Bharat.

Modi underlined the need to channel energy of every university’s students and youthtowards achieving the common goal of ‘Viksit Bharat’. He believed that diverse ideas would contribute to building a developed India. For that, the PM urged everyone to go beyond their limits to contribute to the vision of Viksit Bharat@2047.

He suggested running special campaigns in every college and university in the country to connect more and more youth with this campaign. The PM mentioned the launch of the ‘Ideas Portal’ related to Viksit Bharat and informed that suggestions can be given on 5 different themes. “A prize has also been arranged for the best 10 suggestions. You can also give your suggestions on MyGov”, he pointed out.

Elaborating on the rationale for seeking suggestions, Modi emphasised creating an Amrit generation that keeps the national interest paramount. “When citizens, in whatever role, start doing their duty, the country moves forward”, the Prime Minister said. He gave examples of preserving natural resources through water conservation, saving electricity, using fewer chemicals in farming and using public transport.

He asked the educationist fraternity to suggest ways of giving new energy to Swachhta Abhiyan, combating lifestyle issues and exploring the world beyond mobile phones by the youth. He asked them to be role models for the students. Modi said social thinking is reflected in the governance, too and asked the gathering to see that degree holders should have at least one vocational skill. “You should carry forward a comprehensive process of brainstorming on these topics at every cap, every institution and at the state level”, he added.

He urged the youth to work 24 hours a day as they prepare for an examination since the country has 25 years of Amrit kaal ahead of us. He also emphasised on youth dividend. India, stated Modi, is going to be the leader in terms of the working-age population for the coming 25-30 years and the world recognizes this. “Youth power is both the agent of change and also the beneficiaries of change”, PM Modi said. The next 25 years are going to be decisive for the careers of the youth in colleges and universities of today, according to him.

Noting that it is the youth who are going to create new families and a new society in the future, the Prime Minister said that it is they who have the right to decide how a developed India should be. The government, he added, wants to connect every youth of the country with the action plan of a developed India.

Modi stressed moulding the voice of the country’s youth into the policy strategy for building a developed India and highlighted the role of educational institutions that maintain maximum contact with the youth.