About 25-30 global CEOs and the heads of the multi-national corporations will throng to Gujarat on January 10, 2017 for the eighth edition of biennial Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit (VGGS) 2017.

The global CEOs will be accompanied by almost an equal number of Indian corporate leaders, who will attend the Global CEO Round table, to be inaugurated by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

"The Gujarat Government and the Government of India's Department of Industrial Planning and Policy (DIPP) is working together to invite global CEOs. We are expecting participation of about 25 Global CEOs and heads of the multinational corporations to attend the event," said P K Taneja, additional chief secretary, industries & mines department, government of Gujarat at a media briefing here.

Billed as the Davos of East, the VGGS will kick-start on January 9, with the inauguration of the Global Trade Show in Gandhinagar.

"The 8th edition of the Summit will be bigger and grander. It will exceed any other event that is happening elsewhere in the country by other states. This time we have the largest number of partner countries at 12 and they are all front ranking countries," said J N Singh, chief secretary, Government of Gujarat.

For the first time, the event, which was known for business investments, will witness Nobel Laureate exhibition from the area of science.

Prime Minister Modi will inaugurate the exhibition on January 9 along with the Global Trade show and the formal inauguration of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2017 will happen on January 10 followed by the Global CEO round table.

The data shared by the government, since the first VGGS held in 2003, till the last Summit held in 2015, the total 51,738 MoUs or investment intentions were signed out of which 34,234 projects have either been completed or under implementation, putting the success ratio of the investment MoUs at about 66 per cent.