Prime Minister Narendra Modi is making a mockery of his "Make in India" campaign by adopting and implementing policies which are more in the interest of foreign companies than the people of the country, according to the new general secretary of the CPI(M) Sitaram Yechury.

He was speaking at a public meeting on the beach road on Sunday evening at the conclusion of the twenty-first congress of the party. He said the Prime Minister was travelling widely abroad, but instead of advancing the interests of the country he was striking harmful deals with foreign companies.

He cited the example of a deal to purchase aircraft from a foreign company for the airforce. "Our HAL is perfectly capable of making those aircraft but the Modi Government is not interested in strengthening our public sector units. There are several major PSUs in Vizag like the Visakhapatnam steel plant, the Hindusthan Shipyard Ltd, the BHPV and others. The policies of the Government are meant to weaken them. We will fight such anti-people policies," he said.

He said the common man's life was getting worse by the day due to such policies and all sections of the society were suffering, especially farmers and workers. The youth were denied opportunities for employment and "the Modi Government is fomenting communal tension and playing disruptive politics."

He said his party, along with the democratic and secular forces in the country, would fight the neo-liberal policies and the communal politics of the NDA Government and strive to build up alternative, value-based political systems.

The outgoing general secretary, Prakash Karat, spoke in a similar vein.