The standoff between Andhra Pradesh and Telangana continues over the Andhra Pradesh Andhra Pradesh between the two states.

A meeting held at New Delhi on Monday and convened by the Neerja Mathur Committee appointed by the Government, heard representatives from both the States on their respective stand and decided to seek legal opinion before submitting their views to the Centre.

The Government had appointed a committee headed by Central Electricity Authority Chairperson to look into concerns of both the States and present a report.

Both AP and Telangana are firm on their respective stands with regard to Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and supply of power to the respective States. While AP has decided to cancel the PPAs on the ground that they no longer are valid now post the division, the Telangana Government is firm that they get their fair share of power generated.

After taking the views of both the Governments and hearing out respective stands on the issue, the Committee has decided to consult legal experts before submitting their perspective on various concerns.