More than 1,500 people today began a two-day demonstration in all the five district headquarters demanding two separate States for Garo and Khasi-Jaintia hill tribes in Meghalaya.

“The Centre should consider creation of separate Garo and Khasi-Jaintia States in Meghalaya based on linguistic lines as envisaged in the States Reorganisation Act, 1956,” Clifford Marak, a Garo National Council MLA, said.

The demonstration is being organised by the Garo Hills State Movement Committee, a conglomeration of various pressure groups and political groups.

The GNC and the Hills State People’s Democratic Party have been demanding separate States for the Garo and Khasi-Jaintia tribes, respectively, for over two decades.

In view of the agitation, security has been tightened to prevent any untoward incident in all the five districts, police said.