Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi and HRD Minister Smriti Irani were on Friday locked in a spat after protests by NSUI (National Students’ Union of India) workers outside her official residence over the derecognition of a student group by IIT-Madras.

While Rahul said the derecognition was aimed at “crushing dissent” and he will fight such attempts, Irani shot back, challenging him for a debate on the issue of governance, including education, and accused him of fighting his battles hiding behind NSUI.

“IIT student group banned for criticising the Modi government. What next? Free speech is our right. We will fight any attempt to crush dissent and debate,” Rahul said on his official Twitter handle.

Replying to him in a series of tweets, Irani said: “Next time fight ur battles urself, don’t hide behind NSUI. N by d way I’m returning to Amethi soon. See you there.” Challenging Rahul, she said: “Give me a time n place n I’m ready to debate everything re governance including education.”

She further said Rahul’s “strong arm tactics” were tried in Amethi but they did not scare her during the Lok Sabha elections. “They won’t scare me now,” she tweeted.

Recalling that the Congress leader had yesterday told the NSUI to create disorder where there is order, she said today his “goons” came to her house “as I’m away at work.”

The political slugfest erupted after IIT Madras derecognised a students group, which includes many Dalits, following a complaint that it was critical of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Irani backed IIT’s action, saying the institution has clearly stated that some procedures by the students’ organisation was not followed and it knew the Dean will derecognise it for violating norms.

Scores of NSUI workers today protested outside Irani’s official residence here over the issue. ‘Great economist’

Earlier in the day, Irani said Modi is a “great economist” who has given a positive direction to the nation’s economy. “Modiji is a great economist. He has given a positive direction to the nation’s economy which earlier economic stalwarts at the helm had failed to do,” she told reporters at Silchar.

Her statement came against the backdrop of Rahul’s jibe at Modi for taking a “one-hour class” from former PM Manmohan Singh, a renowned economist.

Modi, Irani said, has created trust among people by introducing schemes like Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana and Suraksha Bima Yojana.