The Madras Management Association’s 12th management awards ceremony will be held on Friday at The Leela Palace in Chennai.

The MMA Award for Managerial Excellence was instituted by MMA in 2002 with the support of Ashok Leyland to promote management knowledge, experience and ideas in various disciplines. The award focuses on excellence in managerial thinking, action and demonstrable results and is designed to recognise and reward companies and institutions in the southern States of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Puducherry, says a press release. The winners of the 12{+t}{+h} MMA Award for Managerial Excellence are Rane (Madras) in the manufacturing category; Sundaram Finance in services; Adtech Systems, Trivandrum, in the SME category; and NIT-Tiruchi among educational institutions.

On Friday afternoon, the awardees will make a presentation on their journey towards excellence in a seminar on managerial excellence. The guests of honour, D. Shivakumar, President, All India Management Association and Senior Vice-President, Nokia, India, West Asia & Africa, and P. S. Raghavan, IFS, Special Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs,will present the awards to the winners and address the members during the awards function at 6 p.m.

The awardees for 2013 were finalised by an independent jury comprising people with a proven track record of excellence in their chosen fields formed by the MMA Managing Committee, says the release. The process of adjudication was facilitated by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India, the consultants for the awards process.

MMA is one of the largest affiliate associations of the All India Management Association in the country. It was established in 1956 with the objective of promoting management education, training and development.