For Rao Inderjit Singh, who hails from Haryana, the addition to his portfolio as Minister of State for Corporate Affairs will not be a tough assignment. This 71 year old BJP Member of Parliament has had an illustrious political career (since the mid 1970s) and strong educational qualification (BA LLB from Delhi University) that would prove handy in wading through the complex functions of the Corporate Affairs Ministry (MCA).

Rao Inderjit Singh is the descendant of Rao Tula Ram, a freedom fighter of India’s first war of independence in 1857. He is the son of Late Rao Birender Singh, Ex-Chief Minister of Haryana and Union Agriculture, Food and Civil Supply Minister.

The widely travelled Rao Inderjit Singh is already holding the portfolio of Minister of State (Independent Charge) of Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation.

At MCA, Rao Inderjit Singh, who is a member of the National Executive of BJP, has come in the place of Anurag Thakur, who has now been elevated as a Cabinet Minister in charge of I&B and Sports and Youth Affairs.

With Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Finance Minister, as the senior Minister in charge of Corporate Affairs and given his vast experience, it would be a breeze for Rao Inderjit Singh to comfortably fit into the new role without much difficulty, say MCA observers.