Maharashtra Government order of restricting the use of oxygen on Covid patients in the state, which was issued on September 18 is a cruel assault by the administration on private doctors, said a press statement by the Maharashtra unit of the Indian Medical Association (IMA).

President of IMA (Maharashtra) Avinash Bhondwe said the State has been claiming that the private doctors are using oxygen in excess amounts for saving the patients. Therefore, the supply during treatment should be restricted to seven litres per minute for patients on oxygen bed and for ICU patients is should be 12 litres per minute only. The IMA fears that such rates of oxygen administration will lead to a rise in the death rate. This is nothing short of an attack on the decisions making capabilities of the doctors, he said.

The September 18 order is at the expense of patients lives and a glaring example of over bureaucratization of Covid-19 crisis. It is a direct assault on the professional autonomy of clinicians and an attempt to cover up the shortage of oxygen supply in the state by issuing unprofessional and unethical orders, the IMA said in the statement.