The iron ore export from Goa will not resume from today contrary to expectations, as the State Mines and Geology Department is still verifying the quantum of ore lying at jetties.

Director of Mines and Geology, Prasanna Acharya told PTI that several teams are verifying the quantum of ore, and subsequently there would be inspection of mining sites.

“It will be difficult to restart the exports will be possible only after the total (quantity of) ore is verified,” Acharya said.

The State Government suspended all the 90 mining licenses recently following recommendation of Justice M B Shah Commission which probed illegal mining in Goa.

Only the export of ore already lying at the jetties and mining sites was allowed, after its legality and quantum was ascertained.

Assistant Director of Mines, Parag Nagarcekar told PTI that mining companies had claimed that total of 52.97 lakh million MT of ore was lying at 50 jetties.

The official teams have inspected 38 jetties till now, putting the amount of ore lying there at 13.56 lakh MT, Nagarcekar said, adding that inspection will continue this week as well.