The confidential statement made before a magistrate in Kochi by Saritha Nair, a prime accused in the solar scam, has given a new twist to the case.

While admitting to Nair’s plea for making a statement in private, the court had passed strict orders to all concerned against the contents going public.


The development came a day after Nair’s lawyer told newspersons that she had some vital information to part with, which could have the potential of setting a new course for investigators.

News channels have since reported that Nair had reeled off the names of a few influential personalities who have evaded the investigators’ attention.

They also displayed photographs of key personalities from the administration and the filmdom gracing various functions organised by Team Solar, the company which Saritha Nair represented.


New revelations emerging on a daily basis have put the Oommen Chandy Government deep on the defence.

The Chief Minister was forced to remove some of aides, even as some others chose to resign on their own, after being accused of complicity.

Latest in the series was Shaffi Mather, who put in his papers as economic advisor, although in a different context. But he was accused of making good the escape before the probe closed in.


Opposition Left Democratic Front led by the CPI(M) had been conducting a no-holds-barred campaign to press its demand for a judicial probe into the case as well as resignation of the Chief Minister.

The campaign will be stepped up from Monday, which is expected to revive street battles between the police and hordes of Opposition activists taking to the street.

This also may have brought to premature close an ambitious Opposition bid to prop up Finance Minister K.M. Mani as head of a new government.

The Left Front seems to have instead given the Chandy Government the long rope, and would rather wait to see it crumble under the weight of its own contradictions.
