The Shiv Sena has decided to bury the hatchet and team up with the BJP to form the government in Maharashtra. The change in mindset was reflected in a “soft” editorial published in Monday’s edition of Saamana , the Sena’s newspaper that is often considered its mouthpiece.

The daily is usually used as a platform to take positions on important social and political issues by the party’s bigwigs. Its tone reflects the thinking of the party leadership. It may be recalled that during the election and the results announcement, the Saamana , in its editorials, had repeatedly attacked the BJP leadership.

In Monday’s editorial, however, the Sena said that rather than the Congress and the NCP, it is better to have a BJP government.

Obliquely referring to the issue of a separate Vidarbha State, which has been supported by a few BJP leaders, the editorial stuck to its stand of not splitting Maharashtra. It said the new Chief Minister should put aside his political views and work for the unity of the State.

In the past, the Shiv Sena has vehemently opposed the formation of Vidarbha on the lines of Telangana. It had warned that such a move could lead to dissatisfaction among the people.

The editorial said that on Laxmi Pooja day (October 23), Maharashtra BJP president Devendra Fadnavis met Union Minister Nitin Gadkari and took his blessings. Later, Gadkari met the RSS chief and took his blessings. All these blessings are important, the editorial said, adding that the support of the people is the most important.

It further said Gadkari has the requisite experience to become the CM, but the final decision would be taken by the high command in Delhi.

Although Fadnavis has no experience in governance, the editorial said, he has a good grip on legislative matters.

The editorial summarised that the Shiv Sena is ready to support anyone who would take Maharashtra ahead.