UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Monday condemned SP leader Aazam Khan’s “underwear jibe” allegedly targeting film actor Jaya Prada, saying it indicated the leader’s “mean mindset” and “shamed” SP and BSP chiefs Akhilesh Yadav and Mayawati for their silence over it. “Shame!,” said Adityanath, condemning Khan’s remark and the two former chief ministers’ silence over the jibe, in which Khan Sunday told a poll rally in Rampur that “he knew in 17 days that she wears a khaki underwear“.

“The mean and indecent remark against Jaya Prada reflects the mean mindset and personality of Azam Khan,” the Uttar Pradesh chief minister said in tweet.

“The silence of Akhilesh Yadav over it is shameful indeed,” said Adityanath.

“And the silence of Mayawati, despite her being a woman, indicates that for the sake of power, they are ready to do and put up with anything,” he added.

“The common perception that the people have about the Samajwadi Party has been reiterated once again. An example in this regard has been presented by Azam Khan,” Adityanath earlier told a TV news channel, dubbing Khan as a man of “mean mindset and personality” for making the “indecent” remark.

Without naming the actor, who is fighting on a BJP ticket from Rampur, Khan had told the gathering in an election there on Sunday, ”... you got represented (by her) for 10 years. (aapne das saal apna pratinidhitwa karwaya)“.

“People of Rampur, people of Uttar Pradesh and people of India, it took you 17 years to understand her reality. But, I could recognize it in 17 days that she wears a khaki underwear. (Rampur waalo, Uttar Pradesh waalo, Hindustan waalo, usski asliyat samajhne mein aapko 17 baras lag gaye.

Main 17 dinon mein pehchaan gaya ki inke neeche kaa jo underwear hai, woh khaki rang kaa hai), said Khan.

The video of Khan’s purported speech had also deluged various social media platform.

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