Strongly condemning “unprovoked and naked aggression” by India along the LoC, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif today said Pakistan’s armed forces are fully capable of defending the territorial integrity of the country.

Sharif also warned that Pakistan’s intent for peaceful neighbourhood should not be mistaken as its weakness, Radio Pakistan reported.

He said Pakistan can thwart any “evil design” to undermine its sovereignty.

He strongly condemned the “unprovoked and naked aggression of Indian forces along the Line of Control“.

Meanwhile, the Pakistan military said two of its soldiers were killed in ceasefire violation by India along the LoC today.

Sharif paid rich tributes to jawans who have been killed in the firing.

In New Delhi, India said it has conducted surgical strikes on terror launch pads last night across the LoC and inflicted significant casualties and heavy damages.

DGMO Lt Gen Ranveer Singh said India shared with Pakistan army details of the surgical strikes which followed “very specific information" that terrorists were positioning themselves in the launch pads along the LoC.

Details of duration of the surgical strikes or when it was conducted or the place was not immediately given.

Pakistani troops had yesterday targeted Indian positions with small firearms along the Line of Control in Poonch district.