Shun casteism, vote BJP for UP’s development, says Modi

Press Trust of India Updated - January 17, 2018 at 11:08 PM.

PM avoids mention of rows surrounding atrocities on Dalits, remark on Mayawati


Denouncing the politics of casteism and nepotism, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday pitched for a BJP government in Uttar Pradesh to promote politics of development, but skipped any mention of the raging controversy surrounding Dalits, or the derogatory comment by his party member against BSP chief Mayawati.

“You (people) don’t need those who play politics of casteism and nepotism. You have filled everyone’s pocket but has your pocket been filled?

“My dear youths, nepotism and the poison of casteism will not help in development. Support politics of ‘visasvad’ (development). I am here to urge you to bless me with your support as you have done earlier (in Lok Sabha polls),” he said at a public meeting.

In a veiled attack on the ruling Samajwadi Party, the Prime Minister exhorted the people of poll-bound UP to shun dynastic politics. “There has been enough of family and caste politics. You supported everybody. But did they support you as well? Did youth and farmers benefit?”

The Prime Minister also accused the ruling Samajwadi Party government of being unable to spend Central funds allocated for the State’s health sector.

“I have given ₹7000 crore to the State. This is not less for the health sector, but the State government has only utilised ₹2,850 crore,” Modi said.

The Prime Minister said the revival of the fertiliser plant would bring big change to Gorakhpur. “The gas being brought by the pipeline for the factory will go to every household in Gorakhpur, and in a same way water is supplied through pipe. If electricity and gas are provided, then industrialists line up. It is a beginning of an industrial revolution in the eastern UP.”

Published on July 22, 2016 13:42