The north eastern hill state of Sikkim aims to go fully organic by 2015.

At present, 50,000 farming families in Sikkim are into organic farming. By 2015, it plans to be converted into a certified organic state, sources said.

In 2003, Chief Minister Pawan Chamling constituted the Sikkim State Organic Board, after which over 8,000 hectares was covered under organic certification. Under the scheme, the state banned the sale of chemical fertilisers and pesticides.

The State Government has completely stopped the lifting of Central quota of chemical fertilisers since 2006-2007, sources said, adding that the use of bio-fertilisers and certified manufactured organic manure are being encouraged as alternatives.

In 2010, the State Government had set up the Sikkim Organic Mission. 

In addition, it has created a separate cell to co-ordinate the marketing of organic products, the sources said, adding that 10 apni mandis and kisan bazaars had been set up at key tourist destinations within the hill state.