Single women from poor families in Telangana will get a monthly pension of ₹1,000 from April next. Single women whose annual income is below ₹2 lakh are eligible for the pension.

Chief Minister K Chandrasekhara Rao announced this in the State Assembly today. “Poverty inflicts more misery among women than men. Hence we have decided to give a monthly pension of ₹1,000 to those women,” he said.

Allocation in Budget The government will allocate funds for the scheme in the ensuing State budget in March.

“We are instructing district collectors to start registering details of single women eligible for the pension. We are also requesting all legislators to get eligible women enrolled under the scheme,” he added.

Rao said the government is already giving pensions to aged people, differently-abled persons and widows under Asara scheme as promised in the TRS election manifesto. A scheme to provide ₹1,000 as monthly pension to women beedi workers is also under implementation, he said.

The State government has launched Kalyana Laxmi and Shaadi Mubarak schemes to meet the wedding expenses of girls. Thousands of families have received ₹51,000 as financial assistance under these schemes.