The Samyukt Kisan Morcha has re-launched Mission Uttar Pradesh and issued an appeal to people of the State asking them to defeat the ruling BJP in the upcoming elections. Leaders of the SKM alleged here on Thursday that the BJP Governments at the Centre and at the State are “anti-farmer.” They said the decision to not to expel Minister of State for Home Affairs Ajay Mishra from the council of ministers and the non-implementation of the assurances given to SKM such as withdrawal of cases against protesting farmers are examples of BJP’s anti farmer mentality.

The SKM will also raise issues such as hike in the prices and non availability of fertilisers. “The fertiliser prices are high. Several farmers have died in the queue to buy fertilisers. After this budget, the prices will further increase. Farmers will face moredifficulties as it is the time to fertilise rabi crops,” said SKM leader Hannan Mollah.

The SKM will ask the people to ask questions to their leaders. “None of them met us when we were protesting. If they come to villages asking for votes, we will urge people to ask questions to these leaders on the plight of farmers, on the prices of fertilisers, power and issues such as unemployment,” said BKU leader Rakesh Tikait.

He added that similar measures will be taken in Himachal Pradesh and Punjab too. “In Himachal Pradesh, Apple farmers are in distress due to drop in procurement prices. In Punjab, we have taken out rallies asking political parties to implement promises to farmers. In Uttar Pradesh, payment to sugarcane is a major issue. Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi lied that payment will be done in 14 days. But it takes 11 months to get the payment,’ he added.

The SKM will hold nine press conferences and meetings at nine cities in Uttar Pradesh. “Anti farmer BJP will be punished. Written agreement was breached. Ajay Mishra is not yet arrested. 57 organisations from UP have joined this appeal,’ said SKM leader Yogendra Yadav. Tikait added that people have rejected communal polarisation model of politics. “People are talking about issues of livelihood,” he said.

Joginder Singh Ugrahan of the BKU (Ekta-Ugrahan) said SKM has nothing to do with some farmer leaders who are contesting the Punjab elections. He said the SKM will not share stages with any candidates, but present its points on farmers’ issues and will ask people to vote against the BJP. “We will not support any front or party,” he added.