While banks in general boast about village adoption programme, South Indian Bank possibly looked beyond this by tying with the Regional Cancer Centre in Thiruvananthapuram for a noble cause.

“This tie-up with RCC is aimed at driving a noble cause in support of cancer patients,” says the Kerala-headquartered bank’s Chief Executive V.A. Joseph.

“With the incidence of cancer rather high at present and the treatment costunaffordable to the common man, we at SIB decided to join hands with RCC, Thiruvananthapuram to help them get a move on member enrolments. A member, if diagnosed for cancer at some point in time in his life, can get advanced treatment almost for free. RCC offers special discounts for multiple members in a family as well.”

“An individual can become a member by paying a one-time fee of Rs 500. In the event of getting cancer, RCC is committed to provide the member diagnostic and treatment facilities at the centre up to 100 times the membership fee (that is Rs 50,000),” Dr Joseph said.

South Indian Bank decided to add value by helping individuals enrol in this Cancer Care for Life Scheme, sponsored by RCC, Thiruvananthapuram through its branch network. “We expect that we will be able to offer light for millions of persons across Kerala and all other states by ensuring maximum enrolments under the scheme,” he said.

The association is just about a month-old, but South Indian Bank sources say the response to the scheme has been phenomenal.

The bank on its part has resolved to contribute 10 per cent of every membership fee, routed through any of its branches. “We have earmarked Rs 50 lakh for the current year,” the SIB Chief said.

RCC offers two enrolment option schemes. Under Plan A, an individual can remit a minimum amount of Rs 500 and get up to 100 times this fee, per person or pay Rs 1,400per family of three persons, Rs 1,700 per family of four persons or Rs 2,000 per family of five persons (Family includes spouse and dependent children.)

The membership fee under Plan B is Rs 10,000 per person.
