Sporadic protests and random incidents of violence were reported in Tamil Nadu over the Cauvery water dispute issue on Monday.

In Chennai, the New Woodlands Hotel, run by people of Karnataka origin, was the target of attacks. A group of vandals broke window panels and caused other damage. The miscreants left a note stating that this was in retaliation for the violence in Karnataka over the Cauvery water dispute.

A senior executive at the hotel, confirming the incident, said: “Fortunately, there was no serious damage. A dozen persons had rushed into the premises around 3.30 am, broke glass windows, burst petrol bottles and rushed out — all within a matter of two-three minutes.”

It is a pity the hotel was made a target, the executive said. The promoters may be from Karnataka but they have been here for four generations. There are 500 employees, of which 99 per cent belong to Tamil Nadu, he pointed out.

Agency reports said there were sporadic incidents of protests and violence elsewhere. In Rameswaram protesters damaged a few vehicles bearing Karnataka registration plates.

Paddy cultivation in the delta areas of Tamil Nadu have been hit by a shortage of irrigation water.