Mining operations in two of the mines of NMDC have been affected with the Chhattisgarh mining and geology department faulting the company for violating certain storage conditions.

According to NMDC sources, the officials from the Directorate of Mining and Geology visited the NMDC Bacheli complex on Thursday and raised certain issues with regard to conditions laid out for mining. The company was asked to stall production and accordingly mining operations have been stopped at the Bacheli and Kirandul mines partially.

The Department officials raised the issue regarding the loading facility and stock pile area and stated that they were located outside the permitted area and are violative of the lease contract awarded to the company.

The matter is a long-pending issue and has also been taken up with the Court which had clarified earlier that it was in the purview of the State government, sources said.

However, a per the directive of the State Mining department, the mining operations have been stalled on the ground that there is no storage licence at the Loading Plants of the State-wowed mining company NMDC.

Significantly, the matter is sub-judice, according to NMDC.