“Surgical strikes” by the Army in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) late on Wednesday night has given ammunition to the BJP to launch a more potent political narrative with regard to the Centre’s response to the Uri attack.

While the Army action created a buzz across social media and on television where the Army was being hailed, #ModiPunishesPak trended on Twitter with the party faithful hailing Prime Minister Narendra Modi for living up to his “56-inch chest” image.

BJP President Amit Shah described the strikes as a “first ever” initiative wherein India responded in equal measure to Pakistan-backed terror strikes into the country’s territory.

“I salute the patriotism and courage of the Indian Army. This is for the first time that damage of this magnitude has been inflicted on terrorists without any casualty on our side. This is symbolic of the patriotism, courage and professionalism of our armed forces,” the BJP President said in a statement.

“For the first time in a long war against terrorism, terrorists have been delivered such a clear message by the destruction of their breeding centre. Today, every Indian is proud of the armed forces and feels secure in their protection,” said Amit Shah.

The BJP chief then credited and congratulated Prime Minister Modi for this decisive step to “ensure the defeat of terrorism”. “I once again extend my heartiest congratulations to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for taking this step to defeat terrorism,” Shah said.

Party cadre delighted Shah was also careful in reiterating that Wednesday’s strikes across the LoC was a continuation of the military’s ongoing fight against terrorism which has witnessed the Army foiling as many as 20 terror strikes in the last eight months, during which as many as 117 terrorists have been killed.

The party cadre was, in the meantime, delighted with the proceedings. If the restrained and nuanced speech of the PM at Kozhikode, where he appealed to the Pakistani people to join him in the fight to end poverty, hunger, etc, had disappointed the party faithful, the surgical strikes were a definite boost to their morale.

The various diplomatic initiatives and attempts to globally isolate Pakistan were not sufficient for a cadre that expects a more radical approach from the strongman Modi. The surgical strikes across the LoC definitely did the trick.

In BJP offices across the country, spontaneous celebrations erupted. At the party’s Mumbai office, crackers burst as the party leaders clapped in unison. “We have given Pakistan a befitting reply,” said Ashish Shelar, President, BJP Mumbai. Similar celebrations were organised in Patna and other places.