The number of people testing positive for Covid-19 in a day touched 46,951 on Sunday, the highest since November 6 last year, taking the total active Covid-10 caseload in the country to 3,34,646. At 212, the number of daily deaths was also the highest since January 8 this year. 

On Sunday, States and Union Territories carried out 4,62,157 vaccinations, helping to take the total number of inoculations in the country beyond 4.5 crore. With this, the number of beneficiaries receiving their first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine crossed 3.75 crore, while close to 75 lakh people completed both the shots. 

The number of daily cases crossed 30,000 to touch 30,535, while in Punjab it went up further to 2,644. Six States reported more than 1,000 cases each on Sunday. They are Kerala (1,875), Karnataka (1,715), Gujarat (1,580), Madhya Pradesh (1,322), Tamil Nadu (1,289) and Chhattisgarh (1,000).

Though they have not yet crossed the 1,000-mark, Delhi and Haryana too reported a significant increase in daily cases. Uttarakhand, where the Haridwar Kumbh Mela is to be held soon, has also recorded a steady increase in cases.