A high-level delegation from Kumla City of Sweden visited Infopark to study the investment opportunities and growth plans in Kerala IT.

The five-member delegation led by Mayor Katarina Hansson was received by Infopark CEO Hrishikesh Nair. He briefed them on the initiatives of Kerala IT in general and on Infopark’s role in particular.

“We are visiting Kochi with the purpose of conducting a feasibility study on three-year long projects that can be carried out between Kochi and Kumla City and look at various investment opportunities in Kochi. I am really taken up by growing Kerala IT and the infrastructure facilities available at Infopark for the growth of IT and the way the IT industry is transforming the society,” Katarina Hansson said.

The delegation visited all the facilities of Infopark and also interacted with CEOs of top IT companies to know how the IT industry is helping and transforming the society.

The Swedish delegation has expressed its investment opportunities in drinking water, waste management, education, information technology and e-governance sectors with Kochi.