The Congress has questioned the Centre’s “inaction” to take the evidences given by terrorist David Headley to international forums to expose Pakistan’s role in 26/11 Mumbai attacks.

The party said the depositions of Headley do not come as a surprise, but it reinforced what UPA Government had maintained since the beginning. “His depositions underline that Headley is a terrorist working at behest of and in tandem with the Pakistani establishments, specifically the Army and ISI. He was in constant touch with anti-India state as well as non-state actors in Pakistan. It once again establishes Pakistan's complicity in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack,” said former Minister of State in the Home Ministry and Congress spokesperson RPN Singh.

Singh said Headley's deposition punctures all claims made by Pakistan to the contrary apart from exposing the “propaganda by the BJP” in the run up to the Lok Sabha elections that the UPA was not pursuing 26/11 with Pakistan seriously. He demanded immediate embargo on part of the Pakistani Army and the ISI (state actors) in supporting anti-India groups and activities as a prelude to any talks with Pakistan.

Singh urged the Centre to ensure total ban on anti-India terror outfits such as LeT, HuM, JuD, JeM and United Jehad Council etc and extradition of terrorists like and Hafiz Sayeed, Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, Syed Salahuddin, Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar, Maulana Masood Azhar, Dawood Ibrahim and others. “We want to make it absolutely clear that national interest alone must govern Modi government's actions and policies on these issues,” he said.