Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today said talks with Shiv Sena were on track and he was confident of forming an alliance with the former partner for a strong government.

“Talks with Shiv Sena are on and they are on track. I am confident that we will form an alliance with Shiv Sena and it will be a strong government,” he said.

He said BJP has neither accepted nor rejected the unilateral decision of NCP to abstain from the crucial trust vote on November 12.

“They have said they will abstain during the trust vote,” he said.

The Chief Minister also said none of his government’s decisions would be influenced by anyone’s pressure.

“We are not here to save our government. There will be no compromise on basic issues,” he told NDTV.

Fadnavis said there would be zero tolerance on the issue of corruption and that the government will not target any individual for political vendetta.

The 44—year—old Chief Minister said he was happy but not overwhelmed with the new responsibility.

“It is a big responsibility. Maharashtra is the second biggest state and I feel the pressure of aspirations of 11.20 crore people,” he said.

Fadnavis said his priority was to restore governance in the state as there has been a paralysis in decision—making and policy implementation.

“I want to run an efficient and transparent government. I may be soft spoken but a ruthless administrator,” he said, adding that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had told him not to run the government to save it.

“Run the government and the people will save it even if you lose, people will re-elect you,” Fadnavis quoted the Prime Minister as saying.