SELCO Foundation has hosted a delegation from Tanzania that came to study the Indian model of financing the renewable energy sector.

Harish Hande, founder, SELCO, said, “We hosted 11 leaders in the renewable energy and development sector from Tanzania from November 26 to December 3. There were in-depth discussions and experience sharing through interactive sessions in Bengaluru, and field visits to facilities across the coastal Karnataka.”

The delegation was taken to SELCO’s Manipal centre. The delegates also visited installations in Udupi and Kundapura taluks and interacted with rural end-users.

The visits included solar-powered milking machine at Muddumane developed in partnership with Ksheera Enterprise. They also saw different home-lighting solutions implemented through innovative financial linkages; livelihood centre at Namma Bhoomi in Kundapura; livelihood solutions in the form of pottery, sewing machine, blacksmith blower and photocopy centres etc.

On the last two days, SELCO got a comprehensive insight into the renewable energy ecosystem and scenario in Tanzania from their individual and organisational perspectives.