The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has questioned the independence of the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission’s (DERC), which withdrew its order on power tariff hikes in Delhi on Friday, one day after announcing the same.

AAP, which has already announced its first list of candidates for the impending elections in Delhi, said while it was “public anger that forced the rollback of an absurd announcement…the DERC’s U-turn has proved that it allowed its autonomy to be trampled by the BJP’s Central Government and the unresponsive Delhi administration with the sole intention of letting the private power distribution companies (discoms) to impose an unnecessary burden on the people.”

“The entire drama raises a serious question mark on the role of the DERC as an independent power sector regulator and makes it clear that it was working under the directions of the BJP regime,” said AAP in a release.

AAP, which had reduced power tariffs during its 49-day rule and promised to do if voted to power again, appealed to the people to continue opposing “unjustified” tariff hikes and promised to fast-track the for audit of discoms.