Governor ESL Narasimhan said on Saturday Telangana registered a compounded annual revenue growth of 17.17 per cent over the past four years since its formation and has thus far registered a growth of 29.93 per cent during the current fiscal.

Addressing the Telangana Legislature convened first time after the recent elections, the Governor said, “I take pride in pronouncing before this august house that during the first four years from 2014-18, the state achieved 17.17 per cent CAGR and during the current 2018-19 financial year the growth rate so far stands at 29.93 per cent. Even in the GST collections Telangana State stands first among all the States in the country.”

“Taking into consideration the dimension of neglect of resources and culture in the erstwhile united Andhra Pradesh, my Government commenced its well-planned journey in right earnest keeping existent conditions. Top priority was accorded to welfare of the poor, the severe crisis in the power sector was tackled successfully and construction of irrigation projects was taken up on a priority to provide water for irrigation to one crore acres,” he said.

The Governor said strict financial discipline, administrative policies, and various other innovative measures have resulted in substantive growth in the State. Mentioning about welfare measures, he said the Government’s efforts to address various sections of society, farm community, and extension of old age and widow pensions have all made significant impact.


The Governor said that the Central Water Commission, which visited the site of Kaleshwaram project, complimented the efforts of the Government. Construction works on the project have been speeded up with a view to launch of lifting activity through the river Godavari during the coming monsoon season. The Government has spent Rs 77,777 crore on the irrigation sector and in the future will undertake works to a tune of Rs 1,17,000 crore, he said.

Lauding the State’s efforts in transforming the power sector from a power holiday and power cuts now able to provide 24 hours uninterrupted power to all, the Governor said the power availability has gone up from 7,778 mw four years ago to 16,503 mw. It is now able to offer quality round the clock power supply to the agriculture sector as well.


Mentioning about the Rythu Bandhu Scheme where farmers get Rs 8000 crore annually, the Governor said it has become a role model for others and has become a national agenda. While mentioning about some of the major schemes, projects and initiatives being implemented by the Government sought to highlight Rythu Bheema, cleansing of land records, sheep distribution, development of fisheries, encouragement of handlooms, and modernisation of traditional occupations, KCR Kits and Kanti Velugu schemes etc, the Governor said these have brought about significant changes in the State.


Referring to the industrial push the State received through TS IPass, he said as on date 8,858 industries were given clearances with an investment of Rs 1.32 crore, providing employment to 8.37 lakh people. The Government has revived the existing sick industry of the Sirpur Paper Mills in Kagaznagar and the revival of Ramgundam Fertilizer Factory is in progress. Efforts are on to revive other sick units.

Telangana IT sector has become stronger and the value of exports this year reached Rs 1 lakh crore. The Government is expanding IT industry to other towns and cities in the State. The double bedroom house scheme of the State, wherein 2.72 lakh houses have been sanctioned, the construction works are now underway.

Complimenting the State’s progress over the past four and a half years, the Governor said while the people-oriented programmes have made a big difference to the State, during the next five years also, the Government seek to meet aspirations of people with all round development and welfare measures.