Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan on Wednesday exhorted the commerce and industry leaders to intensify their efforts in mitigating the crisis caused by Covid-19 pandemic and support the government.

Participating as the chief guest in the video conference organised by the Federation of Telangana Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FTCCI) from the Raj Bhavan, on the topic of “Strategic interventions of Central and State governments for the mitigation of Covid-19 crisis, the Governor said “the commerce and industry sector was showing lot of resilience in overcoming the crisis and has been sustaining the livelihoods of the millions of people.”

Referring to the interventions by the Centre, Tamilisai Soundararajan said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken ‘right decisions at the right time’ to contain the spread of Covid-19 and thus saved many precious lives.

The Governor said that India, which faced the shortage of PPE kits and other equipment, is now exporting PPE kits, N95 masks, ventilators and other life saving medicines to various other countries through the sustained efforts of the government.

“India is conducting around 7 lakh Covid-19 tests a day and it will soon achieve the target of carrying out at least 10 lakh tests a day. The governments are implementing three-pronged strategy of aggressive testing, comprehensive tracing and efficient treatment,” she added.

Expressing anguish over the non-compliance of preventive measures like maintaining physical distance and mandatory wearing of mask even by a section of politicians, the Governor said that wearing of masks would effectively prevent the spread of virus by at least 80 per cent.

“The ₹20-lakh-crore Aatma Nirbhar package, special emphasis on MSME and agriculture sectors and welfare of migrant labourers were some of the major interventions of the governments,” she pointed out

FTCCI president Ramakanth Inani urged the Governor to impress upon the governments to chalk out roadmap for economic revival soon.