The Home Department of Telangana has warned persons and entities offering private security agency services with stringent action if they operate without a licence.

Citing the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act of 2005 and Rules formed in 2008, the Home Department said it is a punishable offence to offer private security agency services without a valid licence.

“A jail term of one year or a fine (or both) of Rs 25,000 will be awarded to the offenders,” the Home Department has said in a statement on Thursday.

Online applications

Stating that the Union Government has started a national web portal for registering private security agencies, the Department said that a window for Telangana applicants has been integrated with the national portal.

“You need not physically visit offices to obtain licences. You can apply online by providing relevant documents. We will issue a licence online after verifying the documents,” it said.