The Telangana Government has stepped up efforts to ensure nine hours power supply to the farm sector during the kharif season.

Factoring the likely increase in demand, the Government has resolved to ensure supply to the agriculture sector, even if it means one day load shedding for industrial consumers in the State.

Following a review meeting on the power sector by State Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, it was announced that the State would ensure supply by making short term arrangements from various power sources.

The Government also hinted at addition of 3000 mw by March next which would significantly improve the demand supply situation in the state.

The State is in the process of investing Rs 7500 crore to facilitate transmission network to support 5200 mw of power generation capacity and Rs 1100 crore for strengthening the distribution network.

During the meeting it was decided to name TS Northern Power Distribution Company Limited as Sri Rajeshwari Power Distribution Company Limited and TS Southern Power Distribution Company Limited as Yadadri Lakminarasimhaswami Power Distribution Company Limited.